Saturday, 19 May 2012

The Web server at URL does not appear to have Microsoft SharePoint Foundation installed in Sharepoint 2010

Recently one issue was reported to me where some of the administrators reported that they were unable to use sharepoint designer and while trying to open the sites they were getting the message "The Web server at URL does not appear to have Microsoft SharePoint Foundation installed". The site was functioning well with all capabilities in browser. I noticed that these all sites were hosted under a specific wen application so it was a clear indication that there was something wrong at web application level. After few initial investigation I managed to get it resolved. Here are the steps followed:
1. Login into the Central Administrator.
2. In the main page click on Security option in left hand navigation.
3.In the next page select the web application hosting your sites.
4. Click on default--> Check the option of enable Client Integration.

Thats it and now the sites can be accessed in sharepoint designer as well.
 I hope this will help you out.

Rahul Rashu

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Using Themes from Office Suites in Sharepoint 2010 Sites

One of a common requirement now a days is to apply customized branding and look to any site. With businesses growing daily there is significant use of this.
The process of changing themes in Sharepoint 2010 is much simpler than that of 2007. Now you can create your themes in other office suites like powerpoint and can apply the same here in sharepoint. These themes are created with .thmx extension and can be uploaded to your site before use. In this we will use an existing theme from Powerpoint 2010 in our site.
You can use an existing one or can design one by opening powerpointà File à New à Theme

Once you have designed the theme save it. It will be saved in .thmx extension.
Now open your sharepoint site àSite Settings àGo TO Top Level Site Settings(If it is a subsite)à Gallery à Theme. This will open the theme gallery as shown below:

Click on Add new item and upload your saved .thmx file.
Now go to your site settings and under look and feel click on themes and apply your created one.
I hope this will help you out.
Rahul Rashu